Conway Road Summer Picnic

The Church family at Conway Road Methodist enjoyed their annual summer picnic in Pontcanna Fields on Sunday 25th June.

The event was well attended, and the afternoon was full of talking, laughing, and eating.  Together with an assortment of fun pack games and activities enjoyed by spectators and players alike. Including the annual rounders match, which was hotly contested and saw some excellent displays of batting, bowling, and fielding from both sides. With the player of the match being awarded to Seb for he’s outstanding display of all round skills. 

During the afternoon we also saw some remarkable demonstrations of strength and determination in the tug of war matches. With the junior church girls team narrowly beating the boy’s, in a very tightly contested bout and the adults only just managing to overcome the collective strength of the junior church team.

All in all, the picnic was a great success and a fun way to spend a sunny afternoon relaxing with friends in the park. In preparation for next year picnic a  number of attendees have already been spotted talking tactics for the return matches!